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How Does BackupExce Identify Tapes

Level 2
I'll try and keep this brief, and hopefully include enough information for you to answer the question without you falling asleep part way through.

We recently upgraded our old SBS 2K Server, new box, new OS, new BackupExec. We are using the lower capacity tapes from the old server for differential backups and some new tapes for a full backup at the weekend. We are erasing the old tapes as we are using them, and a new 4mm ID number is being assigned. No problem so far.

However, we have reached a point where there are some old tapes that have the same number as some of the erased tapes (eg 4MM001). When we put these in for the differential backup, will BackupExec spit this out, or will it know that it is not the right 4MM001 (or whatever number it is) and erase it?

I hope that is explained clearly, if not, then I will try again if required.

Level 6
BE does not use the Media Label to identify tapes- it uses a unique media ID for each tape in its database (this can be seen if you view media properties). Therefore you should have no problems with multiple "4MM001" BE can distinguish between them.

Level 6

-Have you run the Inventory on all these tapes and does it show the same number?

BE uses a unique media ID for each tape in its database

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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