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How to add new media with 1 week overwrite protection and make avail

Level 4
I created a brand new media set with brand new tapes.

I erased each tape.

But when I add them they are automatically marked as not available for 1 week.

How do I get around this.

Level 6
That's just the way that BackupExec works. When you moved the tapes into the media set, they took on all properties of that media set.

what you can do is move each volume to the scratch media set before the nightly job runs. Backup Exec will grab it and move it to the production media set when it labels the tape.

Level 4
This where I get confused I think.

Doesn't putting it into the scratch Media Set take them out of "THE" media set?

I think I accidently had 1 tape in the scratch media set and it didn't use it at all.

What I have been doing is set the overwrite time to 0, let backup go for a few days, then raise it back to a week overwrite. But even then I think it won't backup anything for a week. But at least I have 1 backup online.

Level 6
Doesn't putting it into the scratch Media Set take them out of "THE" media set ?

Yes. But the tapes have to be either in the scratch set, or in the target set and beyond OPP before BE will write to them

I think I accidently had 1 tape in the scratch media set and it didn't use it at all.

If you are using a library, where BE can see more than one tape, the setting at Tools\Media Management - "Use available media in target media set before scratch" may have come into play.

Level 4
Ok, tried again last night. I was a little rusty on the issue but now it's a bit fresher.

I had 5 tapes (in total) all in scratch that were freshly erased.

And it just sits there and does nothing when the job came around.

I moved the tapes into Media Set 1 and it just sits there because they have overwrite protection. I had to force the overwrite protection off to get things going.

But if I recall, when I go to bump it back up to 1 week protection all tapes won't get used for a week.

Why doesn't it use the information from the tape rather than from the action of putting them into the media set or changing properties on the media set, every time I touch the properties everything is reset?

This is extremely frustrating.

I swear when I first installed the demo version everything worked fine.
After I upgraded to the retail version I ran into this problem.

Both are 10.1d.

No matter what I do, if I want overwrite protection, for a week I have to SKIP!! a week of backups to prime it. Once primed it works ok.

Level 6
had 5 tapes (in total) all in scratch that were freshly erased.

And it just sits there and does nothing when the job came around.

That's not the way that it is supposed to work. have you tried running a Database Repair? See was edited by:
Ken Putnam

Level 4
Had 5 erased tapes in Media Set 1 with 1 Week Overwrite.

Started Backup, nothing happened.

Forced to Overwrite protection off.

Job Ran.

Closed BE.

Ran DB Repair.

Started BE

Moved all tapes into Scratch Media (right?).
Media Set 1 is now empty.
Set properties on Media Set 1 to 1 week overwrite protection again

Started Job.

Box popped up asking operator to import overwritable media into system.

Box keeps popping up.

Waiting for advice.

Level 6
Sounds like the Global Overwrite Option is set to FULL, I'd recommend Partial
(Tools\Options\Media Management I think)

with FULL, if there is not a BackupExec label on a volume, BE will not overwrite without a prompt. With partial, it will accept anything with a non-BE label as a scratch tape

Level 4
It was set to Partial.

But there is a check box to pop a dialog that was set that I unchecked, it still popped the dialog. Even after restarted services etc. it still popped.

For grins I went back into the media set and disabled overwrite protection again (even though this media set is empty, i.e. all tapes are in scratch media).

Started the job again but no message box popped up.

But it also never started the job either.

Just sits there in Queued state.

Level 4
Polite bump.

I'm still stuck.

Level 6
You may need to open a new thread, since Symantec Employees tend not to jump into a peer-to-peer thread

You've done everything I can think of, sorry