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How to automaticly(script?)move media to a new media set after a job completes

Level 3
I would like to put a script or command in the Post-command section to move my media to a different media set after the job completes.  Does anyone know how to do this? 

Level 6
Maybe I'm just dense, this morning, but
Why on earth would you want to?  Just specify the medai set on the job

Level 3
This is the senario, if you know a better method great.  I have a partition with tapes used for the weekly full backups.  Those tapes are  in one of three media pools. Scratch, Weekly Media or Completed on-line media. When the weekly job runs the tapes are moved from the scratch pool into the "weekly media" pool.    I run 4 jobs agianst this pool so I have a few tapes that don't get fully used. I normaly move them to the "Completed on-line" pool when the job is finished so they will not be used agian in the next weekly job.  This also helps in keeping the tapes seperated based on the week that they ran.  If they were all in the same pool some tapes may have more than one weeks worth of data on them.   I would like a script that moves the tapes from the "Weekly Media" pool to the "Completed on-line" pool when the job is finished.

Level 6
You should be able to do this with Overwrite Protection
Are all your jobs all Overwrite or are they a combination of Overwrite and Append? 

Level 3
The jobs are set to Append to media, overwrite if no appendable media is available.
If I set the job to overwite then they will ignore any partialy used media still in the set. If  I run 4 or more jobs I want to use as much of the space on the tapes as I can.

Level 6
If you're running 4 jobs, what you could do is set the first job to overwrite, and the next 3 jobs to append. Then set a suitable Overwrite Protection Period (say 3 weeks if you want to keep any data on the tapes being overwritten for that long), and a 7 day append period.

Level 3

That would be OK but it is not exactly what I want. 


I do on occasion like to use the last couple of tapes from the previous weeks run for the start of the next weeks full set.  I do this if the last one or two tapes from the previous weeks run have only been partially used.  This way I can keep more data online.   Sometimes the tapes only have a few Gb written to them.   What I don’t want to happen is for the new jobs to pull a tape from the middle of the previous set.  


What I really want is a script to move the tapes to a new media pool.