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I need to move my Backup to DIsk folder, HELP!

Level 4
Hello, unfortunitly I have to move my backup to disk folder. Any ideas?

Basically I had B2D on a USB drive. I now want to use an internal drive instead of the USB drive. How can I move the B2D folder without ruining my backup data.

My guess was to Copy the B2D folder to the internal drive, then build a B2D folder in the admin console, then inventory the drive... AM I way off track??

Level 3
Recently did this...

-Created the new B2D-folder pointing at the new location for the files
-Deleted the existing B2D-folder, got a question abour retargeting jobs and pointed it to the new B2D-folder
-Copied the files from the usb-disk to the new B2D-folder
-Ran inventory on the new B2D-folder
-Tried a restore, worked fine

Level 4
This worked like I hoped, YAY!

Some things to mention:

The inventory on 600GB of data took less than 30 minutes, however copying the data took 6 hours. I had issues previously when deleting a B2D folder and switching it to a new folder, but since installing all the hotfixes it seems these issues have been resolved.

I will tell you its nice when things JUST WORK!!!