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IDR Wizard fails with "out of memory"

Level 3
Ladies and Gentleman
We cannot create an IDR Image with our BackupExec 11D / Build 7170 (including all current HotFixes from LiveUpdate) running on a Windows Server 2003 SP2. When starting the Wizard a "out of memory" error appears. The Server has a lot of memory free. I found an entry in the Symantec Knowledge Base which describes such a problem, but we have Windows Service Pack 2 installed which contains more current files then described in;en-us;826751.
Could you please help us to solve this problem? (BTW: bediag.txt is available.)
Any helpwill be appreciated!
Have thanks in advance.
Walter Lieb

Level 5
Hi Walter
Out of Memory could be RAM, HDD space or Virtual Memory.
In the BEDIAG log, find the section "File system information" and paste that section and the next section (Memory statistics) into a post so I can take a look at it.

Level 3
Hi Lou
Have thanks for your very fast reply.
Here is the Information you requested:
File System information for \\analecta
Device                                              Filesys  FS flags  Len  Cluster  Total clus  Free clus  Total MB  Free MB
--------------------------------------------------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------
C:\                                                 NTFS     000700ff  255     4096    17911195   13977300     69965    54598
E:\                                                 NTFS     000700ff  255     4096  2441504767  2012626839   9537127  7861823
Memory Statistics for ANALECTA
Total Physical Memory:     2046 MB
Available Physical Memory: 915 MB
Total Page File:           3950 MB
Available Page File:       2984 MB
Total Virtual Memory:      2048 MB
Available Virtual Memory:  1993 MB
Have thanks in advance.
Walter Lieb

Level 5
Your HDD free space and RAM look good. We recommend you bump up your Virtual Memory another 100 MB. Here are some performance tweaks you can do to the Backup Exec server.
  -- Right click "My Computer" and select "Properties"
  -- Click on the ADVANCED tab
  -- Under "Performance" click "Settings" and select the ADVANCED tab
     -- Set "Processor scheduling" to Programs
     -- Set "Memory usage" to Programs
  -- Under "Virtual Memory" click "Change"
     -- Increase the Initial and Maximum size another 100 MB
The next thing to check isTask Manager. From the Performance tab, keep an eye on the following next time the job is run:
    -- Handles
    -- Threads
    -- Processes
I found a very old internal TechNote that states: "This memory error can occur if the system is running an old BIOS version." But not convinced this is the case in your situation.

Level 3
Hi Lou
We changed all as you recommended. Unfortunately it doesn't solve the problem/failure. BTW: I don't think it's a problem of the BIOS Release. The System is a HP Proliant which is about four weeks old...
Any other suggestions?
Have thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Walter Lieb

Level 3
Hi all
Anyone else who can help?
Have thanks in advance.
Walter Lieb

Level 3
Hallo Walter

if you have some spare memory that fits to the HP server try to swap it.
i mean take the installed memory out and try to use other dimms...
just for the test.

Yaniv F

Level 3
Hello Yaniv
We changed the memory of the server.
Unfortunately the symptom is the same.
Any other ideas?
Have thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Walter Lieb 

Level 3
Hi all
Anyone else who can help?
Have thanks in advance.
Walter Lieb

Level 3
The solution is that simple:

1- Stop all BackupExec Services
2- Rename Directory IDR (under Program Files > Symantec > Backup Exec)
3- Start all BackupExec Services
4- remove License Key für IDR und re-enter it

Worked for us!