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IDR restore for win2000 failed with "Inaccessible_boot_device"

Level 3
hi all,

i've created a bootable IDR CD after a full backup of win2000 server and tried to restore it via the IDR CD. the IDR restoration hit a deadlock with the error "Inaccessible_boot_device" during the windows setup.

i rebooted using the regular windows 2000 setup CD, and windows 2000 setup was able to identity by SCSI card with the disk attached.

isn't IDR able to copy a copy of the SCSI card driver to the IDR bootable CD, thus making it simpler during the restoration? or did i create the IDR CD wrongly?

appreciate any sort of help

Level 3
the arc path might have changed during recovery. check your boot.ini
rgds ck

Level 3

thanks for your reply. assuming that the boot.ini is causing the problem, what can i do to rectify it?

i can't edit the boot.ini in HDD coz the HDD has failed and i replaced it with a new HDD but with identical specs.

is there a file for me to edit in the IDR file to detect the new HDD? or any other way to make IDR detect the HDD again?

Not applicable
Hi ,

I have met this several time in the past. It is due to the SCSI driver that veritas is taking. Try to restore with only your full system backup tape and u will see it will work.

Level 6

This may happen due to many possibilitie. Please refer to the following technotes:

- When performing Intelligent Disaster Recovery, the message "Inaccessible_Boot_Device" is displayed during reboot.

- Windows could not start due to missing boot.ini file after running an Intelligent Disaster Recovery restore.

We hope this will help.

Please update us on the issue so that If the issue still persists we can troubleshoot the issue further.

If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be presumed to be answered and will be marked as assumed answered and archived.


Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as "assumed answered" and moving it to "answered questions" pool.