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Increasing buffers beyond 32 on a VXA-320

Level 6
Exabyte VXA-320
Block Size per device: 64K
Buffer Size per device: 64K
Buffer Count: 32
High Water Count: 0
Write SCSI Pass Through
benetns.exe: 0% 54,016KB
bengine.exe: 0%, 9,156KB
bengine.exe: 0%, 34,544KB and climbing
beremote.exe: 2%-4%, 32,600 and climbing
beserver.exe: 0%, 102,980KB
BkupExec.exe: 0%, 102,900KB
I have 8GB of RAM and a pair of 280 Opterons.   Why am I still limited to buffer count of 32?  Can I hack the registry and change it to 256? 

Level 6
Why limit the buffer to the block size?  up the buffer size to 256 or 512KB  (or as high as it will go)

Level 6
I upped the buffer size at 2x and 4x block size.  I noticed a difference in performance on my HP DAT 40i and VXA-2.  My VXA-320 is still be a pain.   I was able to get it to hold at 720 MB/min after cancelling and restarting the job.   I turned on Indexing service and set the index to my S: drive.   S: is my paging, temp, and now indexing RAID 10 6 drive SCSI array.   Part of the problem could be I turn it off at night.   It is not caching files completely in the 8GB of RAM.   I set it to system cache instead of program.