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Is the client needed?

Level 3
I apologize for what is likely a stupid question, but it has been several years since I worked regularly with Backup Exec.

I have installed Backup Exec 10.0 for Windows on a server that has a NetWare client on it. I want to use the BE NetWare agent to back up NetWare servers. Do I need the NetWare client installed on the BE server, or can it access the NetWare clients through the BE agent without having a NetWare client installed on the server? We want to be able to remove the NetWare client if possible.

Thank you very much for your help.


Level 4
I'm not sure I'm understanding your question exactly.

In order to backup a NetWare machine from a Windows machine you need to have Backup Exec 10.0 installed on the Windows machine. You then need to install the Remote Agent for NetWare servers on the NetWare machine. This "agent" is a "client" that allows the NetWare machine to be seen by the "server", which is the Windows machine.

See page 1423 of the Administrator's Guide for more details:

Level 3
Thank you very much for your reply. By, "client", I was referring to the standard NetWare client for Windows (latest version 4.91 downloaded from Novell), the client software that allows you to log into NetWare from a Windows workstation.

I thought I needed that client in order for the BE server to be able to log into NetWare to back up NetWare servers, since I have to specify a NetWare userID and password for BE to use for accessing NetWare servers for backup.

However, as I understand your response and the information in the admin guide, I do not need that client on my BE server. Simply having the NetWare agent in place allows BE access to the NetWare server to be backed up. Am I correct on this point? Is the NetWare userID and password I specify used by the remote agent rather than by the BE server?

On the other hand, since the NetWare agent has to be installed (pushed) from the Backup Exec server, wouldn't I need the NetWare client software on the BE server in order to install the NetWare agent onto the NetWare server?Message was edited by:

Level 6
Don't know specifically about v10, but with v7 and v8, yes you needed a Netware Client loaded to access Netware servers for backup.

IIRC you could use the MS client, but the Netware Client was recommended

Level 6
I think in 10.x you just do the push install of the Netware client. Since the regular remote agent is installed by default on the local server, I think that agent can connect to the Netware agent. I don't have a Netware server though...

Level 4
Sorry for the confusion. I would assume, since the manual makes no reference to it, that you would not need the NetWare client for Windows installed.

Let me rephrase that. You've got to have some way for the Windows machine to communicate with the NetWare machine, so I would assume that the installation of the Agent for NetWare from the BE server would take this into account.

Maybe not the safest of assumptions, and I have not had to back up any NetWare servers in quite some time, so don't take my word for it.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
OK will clear this up.

1. You need either the Novell Client or the MS Client for Netware installed on the BE media server to install the remote agent for Netware onto a Netware server.
You must use the Novell Client if the Netware server you want to install the remote agent onto is IP only.

2. You do not need any Netware client loaded on the BE media server to do backups - as BE does not use this mechanism.

Level 3
Thank you all for your answers. I had come to the conclusion that the way John described it was the way it worked, but I had found nothing to document that. I appreciate very much knowing for sure how it works.