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Job Cancels Itself

Level 3

I'm running Backupexec 12 SP3 on Windows Server 2003. After 12 hours my backup automatically cancels during the verify with the message "The job was automatically canceled because it
exceeded the job's maximum configured run time."

I went into Tool / Options / Priority and Availability and the "enable automatic cancellation for selection list" was not selected! So I did select it and set the "Cancel backup job if not completed within:" setting to 20 hours, however by backup still automaticall canceled after 12 hours.

Please can you advise how to extend this period?

Many Thanks

Already had one answer to this which didn't solve the problem in a previous post but then heard nothing more from symantec so trying again!  Bring back e-mail support!

Prev response : Ruchi 5 days 18 hours ago
Priority and Availability for job property
Can you check the Properties of job instaed of Tools>>options and check Priority and Availability


Level 6
Employee Accredited
Have you checked the automatic cancellation of the job in the properties of the job?  If you go to priority and availability in the job properties it is in that section. 

Level 3

Thanks for the response.

I have tried going into the job properties. It says that I cannot edit a job that was created by a policy and that I must edit the policy. So I right clicked on the job and selected 'edit policy', and then went in to edit the template. I then have a list of job properties but Priority and Availability is not one of them, I have three headings, Destination, Settings and Frequency.

I may be doing something wrong here but need advice.
