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Job Completed with Exceptions, Considered Corrput

Level 4
I've used these forums to solve my "Job Failed" issue in an exchange email, but after I've added the values to the registry to work around the "Job failed" warnings, I now get these errors:

Backup: WARNING: "\\servername\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\User name foldernameInboxŒ〰〰〰〰攸㡥慣㈶扥㐰摢㔴㉡晣㔱〴慡晣㤹戵㜰〰〰搰㔲㜶㘰㈳㍢ㄴ㜹㈹㍦ㄷ挳攰㘰㜳〰〰〰㌰㐹㘱〰〰晥㕣ㅢ慢挷昹㡤ㄴ㐸ㄳ㙦㈲㔰敡攰扦〰〰〰戲〹扢〰〰sign" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

Verify- \\servername\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes WARNING: "sign" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

Level 3
I used to get those messages.

Assuming your backup runs when nobody is around, have your users log out of Outlook when they leave.

I have a little scheduled job on the backup server that will force Outlook to close on certain PCs whose users are forgetful.

In \system32 (Win2003) you have a nice little utility called taskkill.exe.

taskkill /f /s COMPUTERNAME /im outlook.exe

It leaves the PC running, just forces OL to close. (If you decide to take this drastic measure, let them know this will be happening!)

Level 4
He went on vacation for a week and I made sure his outlook was not running but I still got the messages, any other suggetsions?

Level 4
I updated SP1 to BE 10.0 thinking that might have helped but last night I still got the expection error.

Level 6

What is the version of Exchange? Since when does the problem occur? Refer to the following technotes that might help resolve the problem:

Title: When backing up Microsoft Exchange 5.5 / 2000 individual mailboxes, the message " WARNING: "?Top of Information Store?? " is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify." is returned in the backup log as an exception in Backup Exec.

Title:How to prevent Backup Exec from failing a backup operation when encountering corrupt files (excluding Microsoft Exchange files)

Revert with details if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 4
Thanks for the reply. I am running Exchange 20003. The problem began occuring when we upgraded our BE from 9.0 to 10.0

The first article seems to be telling me to remove the email if that is triggering the error message, but how am I supposed to locate the bad email?

The second article is one that I found and applied earlier. I am not getting "The job failed".. it is "The job completed, but with expections". I also tried to suppress these expection warnings but that didn't stop them.

Level 6
Hi Kurt,

Could you post us on what files you are getting exceptions?

That would help us in better troubleshooting of the issue.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 4
As stated in my first post.. the corrupt file is an email.. this is again copied directly from the Exception section for backup details

Backup: WARNING: "\\servername\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\User name foldernameInboxŒ〰〰〰〰攸㡥慣㈶扥㐰摢㔴㉡晣㔱〴慡晣㤹戵㜰〰〰搰㔲㜶㘰㈳㍢ㄴ㜹㈹㍦ㄷ挳攰㘰㜳〰〰〰㌰㐹㘱〰〰晥㕣ㅢ慢挷昹㡤ㄴ 㐸ㄳ㙦㈲㔰敡攰扦〰〰〰戲〹扢〰〰sign" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

I replaced the user name (my boss) with .. I've searched through his entire email box looking for a few that has these symbols in the body or subject but there are none.

Level 4
Applied all of the latest Veretas Patches again, no change on this issue.

Level 4
Nearly 3 months and they're still stumped!