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Local media server ignoring cancel requests

Level 3
I'm running Backup Exec 10d on Windows 2000 with one standalone DLT7000 drive and a Powervault 122T library with an SDLT320 drive. All available SP's and hotfixes are applied, and everything works fine with one exception...

If I cancel a running job, I get a Job Cancelation alert saying "The job was canceled by user Recovery," and the job moves from the Current Jobs list to the Job History, but the actual job keeps running in the background, with no means of monitoring its progress or any further control, and the relevant tape drive and tape continue to show as "in use" in the admin console.

The only way to stop one of these "zombies" is to recycle the local BE services. While that is always effective in stopping it, it's a PITA to have to do so, and it bugs me that something's obviously not right.

Interestingly, if I don't recycle the services until after the job has actually completed, then when the admin console reattaches to the local media server, the Job History entry switches from Canceled to Succesful - apparently the local media server is simply ignoring the cancel command from the admin console and just going on its merry way regardless.

Both the services and the admin console are running under my local Admin account, and there are no error messages generated anywhere while any of this is going on.

Any ideas or suggestions gratefully accepted. Thanks.

Level 3
With the help of the folks at Experts Exchange, I found that this problem was fixed by Hotfix 42. I manually downloaded and installed the hotfix, and all is now working fine.

I remain puzzled why Veritas Update never offered me Hotfix 42 in the first place, nor does it show it as being installed now (though Help-About-Installed Updates does show it), but that's another matter for another day.