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Losing network connection to NetWare server

Level 2
Using Backup Exec 10d and NetWare 6.5 SP 5. For three backup jobs, I reach 1.78 GB of backed up data & the job ends with, "0xe000fe28 - a network connection to the server could nto be established." I have read link V-79-57344-65064 & I follow its instructions before I run each job. What am I missing?

Employee Accredited
Some things to consider:

1. Are you using the NetWare open file option? If so, it might be worth disabling this to see if it makes a difference.
2. Do you have any anti-virus software running on the NetWware server(s)? Again, disable/unload this to see if it helps.
3. Does the job always fail at the same point? If so, you might have some data that contains characters that the remote agent doesn't like. I've seen this before with japanese and russian characters.

Does the NetWare server abend or restart itself during the backup? If so, check the abend log (sys:\system\abend.log).

Hope that helps.

Level 2
I disabled anti-virus & removed all language folders, except English, from the NLS language folder under SYS/PUBLIC/NLS. I went to the job properties & the menu of Settings - Advanced & changed:
"Open file backup when Advanced Open File Option is not used" to "Never" from "With a lock."
The job still stops at about 1.78 GB. Is there a report that will show what file it fails upon?

Employee Accredited
You could go to Tools-->Options-->Job Logs and change the level of information that is included - 'Summary information, directories, and files processed' would be the obvious choice. However, bear in mind that the job log will be BIG.

You could also split the volumes into separate jobs - this at least would tell you which volume is causing the problem.

When the job stops - can you look at the properties? Is it stuck on a particular file? Is it always stuck on this file/folder?

Finally, you can put the agent into debug mode using the BESTART -ZL command - this will create a debug log: sys:\bkupexec\log\ndmpd.log which may help.