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Lotus Domino Hangs when Domino Agent is present

Level 3
Hi everyone,

i have this weird issue that i'd like to discuss with you because looks like IBM support is not able to figure out how to solve the problem.

I have installed two servers from scratch with Windows Server 2003 SP1 with Lotus Domino 7 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 with Lotus Domino 7.01. These servers are both equipped with Backup Exec 10.d (10.1 Rev.5629) with Lotus Domino Agent installed.

When you restart the Domino Server the process notesmm.exe hangs thus avoiding Domino to start and then all you can do is reboot the machine.

IBM support claims it's because Backup Exec does not release memory correctly.

Their answer follows below:

" Notesmm.exe is the notes memory manager and is the basic domino task to manage memory used by domino. As it's the memory manager, it's the last process to shutdown as it will only shutdown as soon as all memory which has been allocated by processes run under domino have been released.
Therefore, if notesmm doesn't shutdown, it means that some process which has been launched under domino has not cleaned up its allocated memory.

From the update in the PMR we can see that if Symantec Backup Exec is shutdown before domino shutdown, there is no problem with notesmm. To us this points to the fact that some BackupExec process doesn't cleanup memory allocated cleanly if it isn't shutdown explicitly. So our suggestion is to open a call with Symantec support for this issue, "

I was wondering if this problem has ever occured to anyone and if you managed to correct this. I'd really appreciate any help you can give me.


Andrea Casini

Level 6
Hi Andrea,

Perform the following steps:

1. Stop all Backup Exec services

2.Make the following registry changes.

Start Regedit or Regedt32

To modify the value of the key, do the following:

3. Locate the registry key in the

HKLM\software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Engine\domino Enable change Journal from 1- 0

4. Delete the Notes DB *.ucj files from the Lotus Domino server. (Where * implies the drive where the files are located)

5. Reset the registry value to 1
HKLM\software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Engine\domino Enable change Journal from 0-1

6. Start all Backup Exec services

Note: The change journal might have some issues listing some of the Lotus databases, thats the reason we to delete the change journal file (NotesDB*.ucj) used for Lotus, so that the drive is scanned again for Lotus databases and a new file is created.
The location of this file is Program files\Veritas\Backup Exec\RANT\LOGS on the Lotus server.

More information:
NotesDb*.ucj - '*' is replaced by the local drive letter which is referenced by this file.
Keeps the list of the Lotus databases present on the drive.

Hope this helps!


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Looks like this helped with the problem, i just didn't have enough time to test it completely but i'll post the results in the next few days, before the end of the week.

Level 3
Here's what:

on the first host i found the *.ucj files, followed the procedure and everything went just fine, now it works like a charm.

on the second host there are no *.ucj files, tried to work out the remaining step but it made no difference.

Any idea?

Level 6

Ensure that you have installed hotfix 10 on the media server. After installing it, do reinstall the remote agents too. Here is the link for the download:

On the second host, do you get any errors in the event logs?

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 3
I will apply Service Pack 1, which includes Hotfix 10, on April 26 and then i'll post the results.

Just wanted to point out that those two hosts are present in two separate network enviroment that have nothing to do with each other; just want to make sure there is no misunderstanding here.

Thanks so far, i'll let you know asap.

Level 6

Alright. We will await the results after the SP installation.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 3
Just wanted to inform you that my customer move the Service Pack installation due to internal activities.

Hope you can wait a couple more days.

Level 3
Problem solved!!!

Just applied SP1 and know everything is running just fine.

Thanks for your support, i really appreciated it.

Andrea Casini