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Multiple tapes with same label but different catalog entries

Level 4

Back in Oct 2010 a posting regarding a problem that when an inventory or scan is done, mutiple entires for the same tape label are created with different properties.

The link is here -

The problem has been noted as going back as far as Backup Exec 8 and most recently the poster said it was still a problem on 2010 R2.

I started with Backup Exec back on ver 8 and now I am on Backup Exec 2010 R3 and it is still a problem. These duplicate tape entries are confusing and  I've accidently scratched a tape that was meant for permanent storage.

Don't know why this problem isn't being addressed.

Can anyone else vouch that they've seen this problem?

Rod Hills



Level 6

Are you using a tapelibrary or stand alone tape drive?

Have you labeled your media manually or the label is assigned to the tape by the library?

Are you able to restore from both the tape which have the same media lable?

Most likely its an issue with database, so you may run a reapair of backup exec database using BEutility.

The workaround for the issue is to moved the media to expired media set , delete and inventory the tape again .

Level 4

WE are using a Dell PVT 2000 tape library. I have barcoded labels on the outside of the LTO4 tape cartridges and I let backup exec label the tape itself via a Quick Erase.

Haven't had to deal with a restore on one of these. The real problem is one of the tape entries within Backup Exec says it a tape from 8 months ago (which I would scratch), whereas another entry states it was created 3 days ago. If I miss the entry for 3 days, I could accidently erase a tape I didn't mean to.

I tried BEUtility repair, but the duplicate labels are still there.

Do I move both media's (with the same label)?

The workaround may fix it, but the problem of processing a tape incorrectly still exists because of the bad information displayed.

I would think data protection would be an important feature Symantec would want in Backup Exec and improper information on tapes would be something that should have been repaired a long time ago.

Certainly I'm not the only site having this problem...

Rod Hills




   VIP    Certified

BE keep track of tapes using their GUID.  You can see the GUID when you check the tape properties.  This is how BE maintain the tape statistics even when you re-label the tape.  If you stick the same tape label on two tapes, you would get duplicate entries because the tape label is not the unique tape property, only the GUID is unique.

If you want to re-use a tape label, you should retire the old tape by moving it to the Retired media set, right-click on it and select delete.  This will remove it from BE.  You then put the same label on a new tape and you would have only one tape with that label.

If you can be sure which of your two tapes are the retired one, then you delete it using the method above.  Otherwise, delete both of them and then scan the slot where the new tape is in.  This will register the new tape with BE and then you can catalog it.

Level 4

I am only dealing with one physical tape and always the same external label.

Here is the scenario 

  1. A differential backup is done Oct 2011 to tape 001234.
  2. Next day tape 001234 is taken out (via export) of tape library system
  3. On Jan 2012 tape 001234 is brought back into tape library system and quick erased
    (because it was the oldest and expired)
  4. Following weekend a full backup is run and uses tape 001234
  5. Next day tape 001234 is take out (via export) of tape library system

Usually this works ok, but sometimes BE ends up with 2 entries in the media list (which I keep sorted in Allocation date order). One entry is when the tape is allocated Oct 2011, the other is when the tape is allocated Jan 2011.

Now if I look through the media list and look for the oldest allocated tape to use as a scratch, I'll see an entry for tape 001234 for Oct 2011. I would scratch the tape and thus lose the full backup data that was just created. 

I suppose every time I use BE do a visual scan for duplicate entries, but that seems like something I shouldn't have to do.

I am using a Dell TL2000 tape library system and tapes are brought in by-

  1. Ejecting an empty magazine
  2. Loading up the magazine with the expired tapes
  3. Re-inserting the magazine
  4. Running Inventory on BE
  5. Run quick erase on the expired tapes

Rod Hills

   VIP    Certified

It could be that your BEDB is damanged, you can try repairing the BEDB using BEUtility which is found in the BE installation directory.

There are a couple of things that you are doing unnecessarily

1) If your tape has expired, there is no need to erase it before using it.  BE will automatically use it if it has the oldest allocation date.

2) Since you are using barcode labels, it is better to scan your tapes.  It is faster and less wear on your tapes and tape drive.

3) If you are importing single tape from your off-site, you might want to use the mail-slot to import your tape rather than removing your magazine.

I export and import tapes on a daily basis and I have not encountered any double entries.