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NDMP option on EMC, level1 backing up old data

Not applicable

Hi All,

I have recently installed the NDMP option on my 2010r3 BE and although everything is working fine I have noticed a large increase in incremental backup size over the non-ndmp way of backing up. I have my weekday backups on level1 yet every day it backs up those files that have changed, as it should, but also some really old files which have a date created and modified of 2008.

I tested a level2 backup to see what the difference is and it backed up 40GB less than yesterdays level1. I cannot see any difference in the file attributes from yesterdays level1 for it to decide not to backup those files.

I have not changed any file permissions or settings on the EMC from the non-ndmp method (other than setting up the NDMP account on the box itself as per the instructions), nor can I see any difference between the files it has chosen not to backup with those that it has backed up.

I am wondering if anyone else has found something similar or has any ideas as to why it persistently backs up old files that have not been opened in years?

Thanks in advance.