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No build number displayed after DLO agent update

Level 2
I've updated a couple of agents to 3.30.21a using DLOCommandu.exe and they now do not show a build number in the DLO console OR on the agent itself on the client machine.
Contents of DLOAgentUpdate_BE.ini below.
Name=11.0 Update
Description=Updates Backup Exec DLO Desktop Agent to 11.0
Has anybody else come across this issue yet?

Level 4
Hi LovettA
Yes I have, just yesterday.
I haven't found a solution yet. Have you?
Please post if you do and also please post whatever things you've tried to resolve it.
I first thought that the problem occured because I had two different updates loaded into the database, only one was published though, but that wasn't the case.
I'll continue to trouble shoot this. I don't wan't to do any further upgrades until this has been resolved.
Also, my DLOAgentUpdate_BE.ini is exactly the same as yours.
/Peter Olofsson, Sweden

Level 4


I know what's wrong and I have a workaround.

The file: DLOBuildInfo.ini is missing in the installation folder of the client, so it's probably missing from the update package: AutomatedAgentUpgrade.exe of the DLO server.

I enabled Verbose Logging in the DLO client on one of my upgraded clients.
Menu: Tools -> Support -> Enable Verbose Logging
Then from the same menu, choose: View Support Log...

I noticed this line: 03/14/08 12:39:00 dloclientu.exe 6072: > client.cpp( 1778 ) BUILD INFO: could not find or read from DLOBuildInfo.ini 3/14/2008 12:39:00.319PM

So I checked on my machine if this file existed, and sure enough it didn't. So I checked one of my clients that hasn't been upgraded yet and there it existed. So I copied it from that machine to the installation folder for the DLO client on my own machine.

I modified it to look like this:
buildname = "DLO"
buildversion = "33021a"
productversion = "3.1"

The only thing I changed was the buildversion. I have no clue if this is the correct value but for testing purposes it works.
I restarted the DLO client and when it came back up again, both the console and the client, when you choose Help -> About shows this value.

And now the log file shows this:

03/14/08 13:07:20 dloclientu.exe 668: > client.cpp( 1773 ) BUILD INFO: DLO 33021a 3/14/2008 1:07:20.116PM

This surely MUST be a bug, because it's not like you have any control over the creation of the update package on the server, after you've installed fixes for Backup Exec/DLO. 
 If it's in that package that the DLOBuildInfo.ini file resides... But I would guess so...

I copied the update package to my own machine and was able to open it and view the files within using WinRAR (WinZIP might do it as well) and the DLOBuildInfo.ini is present within the package, but it's apparent that it doesn't get copied to the client.

This is what it should look like:

buildname = "DLO"
buildversion = "330B21a"
productversion = "3.1"

I guess you could extract it from the package or create it from scratch and then just copy it to the client, but Symantec needs to look into this because it's worked before and now suddenly it doesn't. Or are we the only ones with this issue?

Peter Olofsson, Sweden

Level 2
Hi Peter, appreciate your efforts on this, what you've found makes sense and looks like Symantec need to look at fixing this. I'll try your workaround for now and do the update manually, please post back if you become aware of a fix and I'll do the same.
Many thanks