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No idle devices

Not applicable
Since upgrading from 9.1 to 10, I have been unable to inventory a tape when all the tape drives has been used and the backup job is waiting for another tape to be inserted. I have a situation where the autoloader will not hold as many tapes as the job requires. When all the tapes have been used up, the job waits for another tape to be inserted. I then reload the autoloader with fresh tapes and inventory them. Since the upgrade, I get an error on the inventory job stating that 'no idle drives are available'. This worked flawlessly with 9.1. Is there a setting I can use to allow the drive to be used?


Level 6

This may occur if you have set the device on a raid controller. Please ensure that the device is installed on its own seperate SCSI controller. Also install the latest drivers. You can download the latest veritas drivers from

Please make sure that you have disabled RSM.

We hope this will help.

Level 6
We hope this information helps, if you have any other questions please respond to the post and we will be more than happy to assist you further.

Level 4
I'm in exactly the same position in that I too upgraded from 9.1 to 10 and inventory will not work when a job is requesting a valid tape. I changed the cartridge but I cannot tell BE that new tapes are inserted.

I have tried the driver file as mentioned and have also disabled RSM (which should be unnecessary seeing as nothing has changed since the upgrade) but the only way to run the inventory is to kill the backup job so it frees the tape drive. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE since this has never been the case with version 7,8 or 9


Level 4

Level 4
Is anyone at Veritas going to respond with a answer to this extremely annoying issue?????

I can't even run an "unlock" on the drive so I can properly change the tapes in the cartridge. I have to force eject it each time!!!!

Level 2
You might try manually loading and unloading a tape at the autoloader. I have to do this before I can unlock the door to insert a new magazine during a full backup. This seems to release the device to respond to other jobs. It's a bandaid but it works.

Not applicable
I have this exact same issue. Veritas has been unable to get the old funtionality back for me - they did come up with the workaround of having to export tapes, then import tapes. The backup job will continue, but I don't like this method, as I can't tell which tapes in my library have been used for backup jobs yet (scratch media (overwritable) is blue, but once the tapes are written to, they turn black)

Usin their method, all the tapes show up as black in the slots view in devices.

Level 3
I have the same problem too too Folk and the only workaround is to use 'Import' (Yuk!).

Also noticed that if you put a job on hold then it stays on-hold even if you try to unselect the hold option. Ironically the job does indeed start again.... but says it's 'on hold' Mmmmmm.

Any hotfixes going?

Phil (Looking forward to Service Pack 2, 3, 4 etc..)

Level 3
I have this same issue!!!!

After upgrading(????) to Version 10, I can NO longer re-lable media "on the fly". If the current backup job is paritially complete and needs an additional tape and there is no scratch media I get the status is "ready, no idle device available" when I attempt to re-label a tape. The only change made to my system is the unfortunate upgrade to ExecBackup 10 Build 5520. The only way to prevent this is to always have scratch media available or if I have the misfortune of no available scratch media I have to CANCEL THE RUNNING BACKUP. This is loss of functionality(that was in at least the last three major versions) is NOT acceptable in an Enterprise Class application.Message was edited by:
Auto Carr