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No unique media IDs in BE -database

Level 3
Partner Accredited Certified


I found a problem in the media management of BE:

I have a small tape library (Tandberg Autoloader with 8 slots). Some of the tapes are used for daily incremental backups. 3 tapes are used on weekend for full backup. These tapes are removed from the library and replaced by 3 tapes whose retention period are expirede. After replacing the tapes, an inventory of the library is performed.

Now, I found for the "daily" tapes (which are never removed) multiple entries in the database. A lot of entries marked as "offline" and one entry marked as "online". For the same tape!

I cannot understand what happend and how BE will work correctly with a tape that is at the same time marked as offline and online?


Does anyone has an idea how to prevent this?


Thanks in advance.