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Novell eDirectory login fail but Netware filesystem login working & SLOW!

Level 3
Server system: Windows 2003 Server, BE 10.0.

Backing up from a Novell 6.0 server using remote agent for 10.0. Backupexec could at first login to both the Netware filesystem and eDirectory areas to back them up, but now access is denied to just the eDirectory, reporting a password error.

The filesystem backup I have been able to get working is running very slow - 38GB in 4.5 hours. Compared to Exchange running at 83GB in 1 hour!

Any Ideas?

Level 3
First, I will assume that you are @ SP5 for this NW6 box?!??

...and your BKUPEXEC.NLM is version 9.10 dated Octobet 8, 2004

When the server is being backed up how is the server utiliazation???

If this server is using traditional volumes... are the long term cache hits listed in the console monitor over 90%? If not, more memory may be necessary..

There are a lot of possibilities here but lets assume that the server is pathced, not being too stressed (whatever that means),well connected, with plenty of memory, and the volumes are on a good disk subsystem (SCSI2 or better & RAID)

...Assuming all might be helped out to know that Novell has been regularly releasing TSAFS updates since the last version released with July's 2004 SP5 for NW6 (and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last SP for NW6)

Unfortunately, these are not easily located in the normal patch download area on the Novell support site because Novell considers them to be BETA. If you want to try a newer TSAFS (at your own risk, of course) go here:

...and search on TSAFS. The latest BETA version is tsa5up17.exe. BTW I have been running a BETA from October on MY NW6.5sp2 box since October with good results

Hope this helps...but there are a lot of possibilites

-->Mark S, mcNe

Level 6

UPdating to the latest TSA5UP17.exe may be useful however, please note that its still a BETA version hence you will have to install it at your own risk.

Reconfigure SMDR:

Level 3
The microsoft installer has an error stating that the install was interupted and can not continue - try again later.

Is this an msiexec issue?


Level 3
Fixed. Thanks for your help.

Level 3
> Fixed. Thanks for your help.

I have the same problem, the media server is windows 2003 with be 10, and it is very very slow backing up a netware 6 with sp5e. Since You solved Your problem, could You please tell me which was the solution?

Thank You very much

Rodolfo Giovanninetti