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Old email recipient appearing

Level 2
I have configured Backup Exec 10 5484 to email recipients upon completion and alerts of jobs. This all works fine. However, I have since gone back and edited a recipient and made a change to their email address. Their old email address is constantly being emailed. I have removed all of the email recipients and have re-configured them again. I still have this one recipient being emailed that does not exist - in the config panels of Backup Exec. What areas should I be looking at, that I have not looked at. Are there any files or registry settings that I can access to make the change.?

Windows 2000 server is the OS and I have included the updates

Level 2

Please help.. This is killing me - I am constantly receiving emails that the email address BE has attempted to send a status update to, does not exist. I have looked everyhere to try and get the email address changed / deleted and have not been able to trace it. I have removed all recipients and recreated them, and the same with the backup jobs, however it refuses to remove this one email address, that keeps coming up as unable to send to. - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 6

Check if you have deselected the option "include job log" from that particular job.

Check for Alert Catagories from Tools > Recipients or Assigned Recipients ...

Run Repair Database and check once again

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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