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Oracle Database Backups

Level 3
Env: Windows 2000 Sp4 Servers, Veritas 9.1

Oracle Database server crashed last Friday. Rebuilt the server and installed Oracle as procedure. When it came time to restore we were only able to restore from the previous week's Friday full back up. When I went to restore the last differential backup there were no data dispite configuration to backup the database. This is a very active database so there should be a fair amount to backup/restore on a differential. When I look at the properties of the job(s) there is no Oracle options to select. We do have a license for the Oracle Backup Exec.

Could someone please tell me where/what I am missing when it comes to getting a complete and differential backup on this type of database?

Any suggestions/assistance is GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
The oracle agent does not support differential backup. It alsway does a "full" backup of the oracle tablespace files.

That means, if the oracle database was up and running during your backups, you would have backed it up through the oracle agent. (seperate selection under remote selections.

When restoring, you will find these backups under the restore selection marked with an own oracle agent icon.

Select the files you need and restore.

It is true, that there is NO singel button "oracle" within BE GUI. No matter whether the oracle agent is installed or not.
The agent just restores files.

In your case, after restoring the oracle agent backup, you need to recover the database from the oracle shell.
(depending on what you need, - control files, redulogs etc.)

If you did not backup the ora db with the agent but flat, while the db was running, than the backup is worth nothing ... in terms of db recovery.

If the db was offline during backup - jus perform a standard flatfile restore and have the Oracle admin do the rest.



Level 3

Thank you for your time and information. Some facts we were not aware of. We had been wondering why we couldn't see any "Oracle" selections in the job properties like one can with SQL.

Thank you again for all your assistance and wisdom.
