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Policy created jobs missing Monday schedule - 11d Build 7170

Level 3
Hey Everyone,

Since upgrading to BackupExec 11d 7170, our various reoccurring daily jobs are missing monday and must be manually scheduled.  Here are some more details.

3 different policies containing a number of job templates but all having these common details and all experiencing the exact same behaviour.
Daily Backup (backup to disk) set to run M,T,W,Th at 6:00pm
Daily Offsite (duplicate job that runs via policy rule after Daily Backup)

After the Thursday night backup runs, it creates the new "Daily Backup" scheduled jobs for the following Tuesday rather than the following Monday.  But creates the correct "Daily Offsite" jobs for Monday (although they wouldn't run without a trigger).  When any of the backups run during the week (Monday - Wednesday), all the jobs are scheduled correctly for the following day.

This is new in build 11d 7170.  I have tried creating the jobs from the existing policy to no avail.

Anyone who is experiencing this problem, please reply to this thread.


Level 3
I should also mention that the "missing" Monday jobs show up in the scheduled job Calendar view as "purple" scheduled jobs on the correct day (Monday) but aren't shown in the main scheduled job list view (and aren't run if I don't manually edit the next run of the Tuesday job).  I think this pretty confirms much nothing is wrong with the policy settings and it is a bug in this build.


Level 3
Anyone else seeing this?


Level 3
Bump #2 :(

I'm seeing this at 2 different sites and in at least one other forum post.  Can Symantec confirm if this is a known problem in 11d.7170 and post any other workarounds.  Having to manually fix the jobs each Monday before they run is a bit of a pain (although it does work until we can get a patch).

Here is some additional info:
BE Server: Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x86)
BE History: Originally a clean install of 11d.6235 then upgraded to 11d.7170
Notes: Policies and jobs were created in the RTM version of 11d (11d.6235).  Have tried deleting and recreating jobs from existing policies with same result.

Level 3
Bump #3

Symantec Support? Anyone?

I've seen a few new KB articles about other scheduling problems in 11d but would like to know if this is a known problem.

Level 2
just to say I have the same problem with 11d rev. 7170.
I hope someone in Symantec at least says "yes, it's a problem, we are watching into it".

Not applicable
I am also haveing the same problem with BE 11d 7170.... I have a number of servers running policies that run a differential job on Mon to Thur... but the Monday jobs are not being scheduled... Ironicly the duplicate jobs that are to run after the monday jobs are being scheduled correctly but they never run as they are dependant on the backup job that are being scheduled to run on tuesday...
If i remove the selection list from the policies and re-added them to the policy then they are all created again and have the correct schedule....
Can someone PLEASE comfirm that this is a problem with BE 11d 7170.... does anyone form symantec read these forums...!!!!

Level 3

I have the same problem on Mondays scheduled jobs - skipped top Tuesday.


And I also have the following problem:


The next scheduled backup job may be missed if the job properties are edited or the Backup Exec services cycled.


This is a Known issue , can anybody tell me when an hotfix will be available to fix the following issue:


When a backup job or job policy template is created with a recurring schedule and run at least once.  Editing and saving the job properties by clicking 'Submit' may cause the next scheduled job to be missed.  


The job of a Backup Operator is not to babysit the backupexec scheduler to make sure the job dates are scheduled correctly.


We have had many days without a backup becuse the differential jobs were moved one day forward.




Paul From South Africa

Not applicable

The problem that occurs on three of my backup servers is when I make a change to the job - ie add another server - and save the job, I find the date for the next scheduled date is in TWO days time!!!  If it was a weekly job it misses the next weekend and sets the backup date for the weekend after..........very strange.


Placed a call with Symantec support and received the following link by Symantec staff reference this KNOWN issue.


Basically they know about the issue but don’t have a patch for it yet.  They just give you a work around.


Hope it helps


Cheers  Steve G


Level 3
I found a work around for the Monday jobs scheduled to Tuesday schedular problem.
I created a seperate policy for daily differential backups.
The scheduler problem only occurs when you use one policy with a weekly and a daily template.
So you need to create a weekly policy using only a weekly template and a daily policy using a daily template and the problem is solved.
Alos apply hotfix7 and hotfix 8 which solves the issue that when policies are edited the schedular moves the jobs a day - (for daily jobs) and a week - (for weekly jobs)
No more missing Monday backups .
Paul from South Africa 

Level 3
I found a work around for the Monday jobs scheduled to Tuesday schedular problem.
I created a seperate policy for daily differential backups.
The scheduler problem only occurs when you use one policy with a weekly and a daily template.
So you need to create a weekly policy using only a weekly template and a daily policy using a daily template and the problem is solved.
Alos apply hotfix7 and hotfix 8 which solves the issue that when policies are edited the schedular moves the jobs a day - (for daily jobs) and a week - (for weekly jobs)
No more missing Monday backups .
Paul from South Africa