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Pre/Post Commands not running

Level 2
I created a new backup job and added a Pre Command to run.  I've ran the  backup job and the Pre Command did not run.  I can run the batch file manually and it works.  I used the complete path with I specified my command in the job.  I see to indication in the log that the command was run.  What am I doing wrong?

Level 2
More information.
The Backup Exec software is running on a WinXP workstation.  The server being backed up is is running Windows 20003 SP1.  The "Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers" is running under a Domain User service account.  The backup job is running under the same Domain User service account.

Level 6
If you logon to the media server as the BackupExec Service Account, can you still execute the pre/post commands?

Level 2
Maybe I'm not following you.  The Pre/Post command needs to run on the server being backup up.  If I log onto the server being backed up with Service Account and run the batch file manually it does run.
Should my backup logs show that it ran or tried to run the batch file as part of the backup?  I don't see anything in the log that it even tried to run the batch file.

Level 6
Sorry,  you are correct
Yes, the job log should at least say that it attempted to run and failed if nothing else
Don't know what to tell you