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Problem with Exchange 2007 Backup

Level 3
Hello together I have a Problem to Backup a Exchange 2007 Server.
My problem is:
When I start the Jobs it starts good but the job runs over 2-3 Days without to transfer any files
I try to do a Connection Test for the Login Account and that test runs several minutes to serveral hours.
I have insert a timeout on 20 hours for this job but this timeout don't work.
Has someone the same problems? or can some body help me?

Level 6

Do you see any errors on the Exchange server in the application or system log around the time the backup starts to stop moving data across?

Also when it stops moving data, does the status of the job change from "running" to something else?

Level 3
Hello Ben,
I don't have see any logs or problems @ the exchange across the start and kill time.
The job doesn't move ANY data and the job dosen't change to a other status. Its always running.
I dont know why this job doesn't work because the job runs every time fine.