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Problem with remote agent for windows servers

Level 2
I have installed Backup Exec 9.1 on a windows server 2003 with sp1, and i am trying to install remote agent on a similar server but i can´t.

Trough Serial numbers and installation i recieved "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". In the %windir%/bkupinst.log i can read :

07-06-2005,14:16:39 : BERegisterDll: Successfully called the registration function.
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\xxxx\LOCALS~1\Temp\3\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : REMOVE Files:
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : advertised.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : BEInstDlgs.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : BEInstOps.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : bereg.exe
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : clusconfig.xml
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : clusconfigl.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : ECMOps.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : error.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : error2.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : ExecPush.exe
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : information.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : install.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : InstallReview.xsl
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : InstOps.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : inst_icon.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : License.htm
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : logo.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : mfc42u.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : msvcrt.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : Ofouninst.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : Resdll.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : Settings.xml
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : TSMOps.dll
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : UpgradeSummary.xsl
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : warning.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : warning2.jpg
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\xxxx\LOCALS~1\Temp\3\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}.0
07-06-2005,14:16:39 : REMOVE Files:

and finished unexpectedly.

Enabling debug i didn´t get more information because BENGINEXX.Log and -BEREMOTEXX.LOG seemed fine.

In the event log appeared :

Event Type:Warning
Event Source:MsiInstaller
Event Category:None
Event ID:1015
Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800401F0

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

And following it :

Event Type:Information
Event Source:MsiInstaller
Event Category:None
Event ID:11728
Product: VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers -- The configuration has been completed satisfactorily.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 32 30 31 45 36 39 38 {201E698
0008: 43 2d 42 38 38 45 2d 34 C-B88E-4
0010: 31 41 45 2d 38 43 34 36 1AE-8C46
0018: 2d 33 42 42 41 43 41 44 -3BBACAD
0020: 43 44 36 45 37 7d CD6E7}

Nothing more.

Then i tried the local installation, it was completed satisfactorily but when i tried to back up data in that server i recieved that the serial numbers are not installed in that computer. How i can install the serial numbers?.

Or somebody can help me to solve the problem, please?

Thanks for your attention.

Level 6

Ensure that the port 10000 is open on the media server as well as the remote machine. Port 10000 is the default NDMP port used by the remote agent. Download the TCPview Utility of Sysinternals from the following link:

Run the utility and check whether the port 10000 is being used by beremote.exe or by another application or process.

The following document will help you enter the serial number of the Remote Agent for windows server license on the media server:

Hope it helps!

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

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