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Problems backing up Enterprise Vault 8.0 with Backup Exec 12D

Level 2
I am using Backup Exec 12D to backup Enterprise Vault 8.0.  I am having a nagging failure issue and would like to ask for help in resolving it.  First the groundwork:

Backup Exec server is running 12D version revision 1364 service pack 3
Database server is MS SQL 2005 Sp1
Enterprise Vault is version 8.0 SP1

I have configured my backup job as detailed in:

My backups are fine except for one error that generates a failure message.  That failure message is:

"Unable to attach to ."
"Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again."

I do not understand what the . stands for in this error.  The log does not detail what resource it is trying to attach to.  To add more confusion the job process all of the components that it is supposed to.  The EV Directory, the vault stores, and the monitoring database backup just fine.  Anyone else have this problem or have any idea what the . means?  Or is this backup exec's way of giving a windows "I don't know what went wrong but something did" message?

I realize the document above  is for version 12.5 agents, however, I am hoping the configuration information would be the same for version 12.  If it isn't I understand.  I just would like to understand why.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Hi Tom
Backup Exec 12 does not have EV 8.0 in its Software Compatibility list, as available in following document:

Although, support for EV 8 is available in Backup Exec 12.5 as pointed in following document:

Please mark it a solution, if this is helpful.


Level 2
As always I appreciate the response.  I really need to understand the why behind the question.  It's a pretty crazy thing to update my backup server becouse one agent is having this sort of issue.  Also the support for EV 8 listed in the compatibility chart for 12.5 refers to the document that I was using for configuration.  And since the agent code for 12.5 works when you plug it into 12 then logically this should work.  At least from my point of view.  And when I purchased the agent it does not list a version for compatibility but simply says "Enterprise Vault Backup exec 12.x"

I was under the impression that backup exec 12D was still a supported product.  If not then the question is null.  However if it is how do I request this issue to be investigated to determine if this is an issue with the software or an issue with my configuration? 

Also any help in understanding what the "." means in the error would be appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

Level 2
Just an update.  I have resolved this issue and would like to share the solution with others that may be interested.

First this thread lead me to some of the solutions I discovered:

Essentially what I gathered from this is that the EV backup either needs to be Full or Diff.  It is important to note you should not just change the Diff to Diff for the EV setting, but, in the SQL backup setting as well.  Once we did this we ran a Full and it worked fine.  A Diff was run right after it and it was successfull as well.  You must be sure to have the appropriate account configured as well that has access to the EV directory as well as access to the EV databases on your SQL server if they are on seperate machines.

So the long and short is configure your backup job for a Full pass for EV followed by Diff backups thereafter.  It's not a great solution but it's better than failed backup jobs.  Also be sure that you use the document at:

To capture the databases that the EV agent in 12 and 12.5 are not aware of.  I will be performing a restore now to verify this restores correctly.