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Problems with unattended RAWS install

Level 5


We have the problem with unattended RAWS install that under certain circumstances setup.exe exits before the installation is finished and as such installation sometimes fails.

Is this a known issue and is there any way around?

The certain circumstances are when you run setup.exe on a machin where RAWS is already installed.

So tryinig to install AOFO unattended always fails as RAWS is already installed then.



BTW: Product is 2010 R2


Employee Accredited Certified

On what version of OS you are installing AOFO.

Level 5

We are installing it on Win 2008 R2.

As said AOFO and also RAWS are affected (of course we are installing the x64 versions).

On further investigation I found that setup.exe spawns a process with the name _Setup.exe and did not wait for the child process to finish.

The workaround I'm using for now is as follows:


sleep 1
tasklist | find "_Setup.exe" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto LOOP


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Windows 2008 doesn't need aofo at all. All the versions after 2003 don't need aofo and by default uses VSS from MS. So please don't try to install the AOFO on ws 2008.

You should have aofo checkbox checked in your main BE software and it will take the snapshot using vss from MS.

Level 5

This does not solve our initial problem however interresting note.

Can you provide a link or any other reference where this is stated?

Thank's for the hint.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Starting with Backup Exec 12.5, as part of a fresh install the Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) not is installed and is supported only on Windows 2000/XP. However in case of an upgrade of an existing Backup Exec / RAWS installation with VSP already installed, it will still be available. Confirm if VSP is installed on the target server. If it is not available, change setting under the AOFO tab in the backup job properties to "Automatically select open file technology".

When the rawas already installed run the setupaa.cmd instead of running setup.exe as it will not able to fetch the updates and recommended to run the setupaa.cmd that is the silent install and should resolve this issue.

Level 5

OK found a link that proves it.

Thanks for pointing this out

Level 5

Thanks for the hint with AOFO. I found a link on KB which states that AOFO should not be installed on Win2008.

However our initial problem is not related to that.

If you install RAWS on a machine where it is already installed setup.exe exits before installation process has finished.

Using setupaa.cmd does not make any difference here.

If you look at the code I posted you will see that we do nothing different to what setupaa.cmd does. The "@start /wait" does not help here as setup.exe spawns a process and does not wait until the child process has finished.

As we also want to collect logs of the installation we extended our workaround to the following:


setup.exe /RAWSX64: /S: /ADVRT:

sleep 1
tasklist | find /I "_Setup.exe" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto LOOP

tasklist | find /I "VxLogServer.exe" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto LOOP


