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Publish is disabled after installing remote agents?

Level 3
I've searched all day with no avail...
It seems when i try to install remote agents from my media server I can't back them up (yellow exclamation) until i log in locally to that machine and enable the publishing option.  I can remotely modify the registry, but i figure there must be an easier way to simply enable the publishing feature before i push the agent. 
I seem to remember being prompted for this when i first upgraded the agents after i moved to v11, but can't seem to find any info on it.
Thanks a million, I can't be the only one having this problem!!

Level 5
Employee Accredited
Hi Jay,
When running a push install the publishing should be automatically enable. When you right click on the option to install the remote agent a window comes on asking information about what media server you want to publish . Once the remote agent is install log into the remote server open Backup Exec remote Agent utility the second tab publishing check enable the remote agent to publish .

Level 3
I remember the first time i pushed the remote agents, it gave me option, recent agents installs have not prompted me with the same question.  Yes i could log into the remote computers, however all my desktops in my shop have the agent, servers on top of that... so I'm trying to figure out what i could have done to mess this up, and how to correct it! :)    

Level 3
I have tested and on a brand new client, no agent installed, if I try to install a remote agent it will prompt me with the publishing information, however on a pc with an existing agent (ie. i want to upgrade the agent version) if does not prompt me, and disables the publishing feature on the agent without asking. 
Any ideas?

Level 3
This is still an issue for me and i can't seem to find a solution.  I just upgrade to rev. 7170 with hotfix 6 and it's even worse now. 

I tried another remote install of an agent  from my BE server to test with now, and as before the publish to a server check box is empty/disabled and now the server is gone from the list as well...


Level 5
I have the same problem with publishing also. Except it does it even if it asks on install (remotely) if I want to publish. After installing, I look on the server to see if its worked, as its not publishing and the tickbox isnt checked but the media servers that I entered at install are listed. This is on a clean install of a client and also an upgrade from what I remember, as it has never turned on for me as far as I know.

Level 3
there is now way we are the only two having this problem!!  there must be a solution somewhere...  I am experiencing the same issue on two completely different servers.  I am simply never prompted to enter the publishing info before deploying agents, and after i updage an agent, the previous publishing check mark is gone.... 
I have far too many remote agents to fix this on each client after a remote agent upgrade.

Level 3

Level 3
I am now testing using the deployment via AD using a .MST file, amazingly i get the same issue, the server name i set in the MST file shows up, but the publish option is disabled despite the MST file settings...
I have double checked this becuase in creating the .MST file, the only way i can enter a server to publish to is when the check mark is in the "Enable publishing" box.  

Level 5
I just remote installed another client, and this time it did publish. The only difference was that I didnt install at the same time AOFO. Not tried this again yet, as it will not push to the other clients, I have to do it manually.