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REPOST due to lack of response -- install managed media svr w/o creating new database?

Level 4

I first posted posted this nearly three weeks ago, and it's been viewed some 60 times, but NOBODY has responded.  As the man said, "I don't have a solution, but I certainly admire the problem."


Since then I've tried the latest updates, a push and a local installation, and it's still not behaving as documented.  Help!?




I have an existing standard BE12 installation, and want to add another media server to be managed from the same console.  I've never really done this kind of thing before... (you may recognize the song ;)
I've installed CASO on the existing BE installation, and tried to do a remote install of a manged media server to the other server, but the installation always times out with no diagnostic information.  I tried going to that server and installing the managed media server locally, but the installation insists on creating a new database, whether locally or on my main SQL database server. 
As I understand it, I should be able to install managed media servers to use the existing database on the CASO server.  The remote installation wizard offers that configuration but, as I say, it times out and fails.
So I need to either figure out how to install the managed media server locally using the CASO server's database, or diagnose why the remote managed media server installation is mysteriously timing out, and fix it.
Suggestions on which to choose, and how, would be much appreciated

Level 3
Employee Accredited Certified

When you upgraded the local BEWS with CASO was that succesful in becoming a manged media server? The most common issue with push install to another is rights... domain admin required. If pushing to XP simple file sharing must be disabled.

Please provide some more details to the environment.




Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified



Just because you are running a managed media server you still will have a local database for that server.  You will also be asked to attach to where the CASO database is.  disable simple file sharing.



If there is other information missing here please post it as was asked for by Simoon.
Message Edited by FTG_BE_Tech_Help on 07-10-2008 01:17 PM

Level 4

Thanks for responding, guys.  Both servers are running Windows Server 2003, one x64, one x86, both DCs in the same domain. I'm pretty sure it's not an authentication issue -- I was pretty careful about that.  And of course it's definitely not simple file sharing.


I'm surprised about the local database; could have sworn there was one database for all.  I really don't want another SQL Express database tieing up resources.


I think I'm going to drop this.  I was thinking of using this with a local tape drive on a VMware ESX server; it's starting to look like that's not going to work well.  And BE's licensing for VMs is usurious.

