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Remote Agent Will Not install

Level 4
I am finally getting around to updating all of my remote agents on all of my servers. One server inparticular was running version 11's remote agent and I have since upgraded to 12.5 on everything else. However, this server is giving me substantial issues. After many attempts at install/reinstall here is where I am:

The remote agent completes its install, but when attempting to start the service fails with the following error:

Error 1920.Service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems (BackupExecAgentAccelerator) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

I am running the installer locally as a Domain Admin who has full rights on the box. I can see the beremote.exe show up in task manager but it hits 14,096 (or there abouts) memory usage and never moves up or down. After a few minutes the installer gives me that error. I have completely removed the remote agent, including deleting the registry keys, etc. with no success. This server hasn't been backed up in about a week and I am getting very worried. Please help!