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Remote Agent restore cause server to reboot

Level 3
Hi all, i'am running a 2 windows2003 server running on a high availibility software call Endurance Marathon. This software acts like a virtual server. I have 2 copies of BEWS v10 5484 running on both the servers and installed a copy of RAWS on the virtual windows cos i can only backup data on the virtual though the Network Neighbourhood.

My issue is when i do a local C drive and remote backup drives of C, D and E the job completes successfully. But when i do a restore of remote C drive it completes successfully but when restore D or E drive it will cause the server to reboot and thus restore always failed.

Can anyone help out on this? I find it puzzling cos the D and E drive is a physical HD thus i'am sort of stuck in this restore. Thanks a lot for any help rendered.

Level 6

What virtual server you are using ?
Is there any error message reported before the server reboot automatically ?

Kindly update.


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Level 3
Hi Ajit, thanks for your reply. I'am using this product call marathon FTvirtual server. It's actually a high availibility software whereby it runs on 2 physical w2k3 servers forming a virtual server.

Becos this virtual server has a hostname and ip address for itself thus i need to deploy RAWS to backup the data on this virtual partition. I can only see this virtual server in BEWS network neighbourhood. I'am running BEWS v10 5484 patch with SP1 & HF23. These 2 physical servers has no connection to internet. I'am able to perform the local and this virtual backup successfully using IBM standalone LTO Gen 2. But when i tried to restore to the virtual D and E though the backup tape once restore runs the server will auto reboot and there's no indication of application errors on the event viewer.

But if i were to perform the same extact set of backup above but not though LTO drive but backup-to-disk folder, i can managed to restore to local and virtual. Why is that so in this case? BTW this is the eval version of BEWS as i'am waiting for my license to arrive. Any lights to throw into this? Thanks a lot!!

Level 3
The virtual server is running on this software company.