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Remote restore jobs work while remote backup jobs fail

Level 2
Hi everybody,
well I have installed VERITAS Backup Exec 10.0 on a 2k3 server and a remote agent on another one.
I can backup files on the "server" and copy them to the remote server. But I can't backup remote files.
I have this message : "he job failed with the following error: The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed "
Thanks for your help.

Message Edited by spynux on 06-05-200711:28 AM

Message Edited by spynux on 06-05-200711:30 AM


Level 2
I put some logs from the remote agent:
Error 0 opening cluster on \\computerError 0 on NetShareEnum of \\computer, level 1NTFS_SurrogateCalling: computerError opening cluster on computer:Enumerating local drives

But I have any cluster on this computer... 
Hope anybody could help me

Message Edited by spynux on 06-05-200702:51 PM