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Restore B2D file from BE9.1 novell to BE11d windows

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I have a mixed novell and windows server environment.
We used to run BE 9.1 on a novell server to make a backup of both novell and windows data.
The data was first backed up to disk, creating B2D files and then back-upped to tape.
A few weeks ago we installed BE 11d for windows on a new backup server.
So now we back up both novell and windows data to a novell server on disk, creating BKF files.
Then the data is put on tape.
Works fine, but now i have to restore a file from an old tape created by BE 9.1.
I managed to get the BE 9.1 B2D files from tape to the "backup to disk folders" on the BE 11d server.
(Inventory -> catalog -> restore)
But now I want to restore from the B2D file to the original file location.
That seems not possible because I can not run a catalog on the B2D file, just because BE 11d can not find the file (although it realy is there)
BE 11d seems to recognise only BKF files.
The question is: how do I get the files from the B2D file restored