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Restore issues...

Level 2
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated...

My client backs up his single SBS2003 server using Backup ExecV10.

He takes the tape home and tries to restore the data at home on his XP Home machine, using NT Backup and an external USB backup drive. He is able to catalogue the tape and see the data, however when he tries to restore anything from the tape, he gets the message "The media has been secured. You do not have the proper privileges"

Would it be possible for him to back up the data in such a way that he won't have the permissions problem when attempting a restore at home?

... the other alternative as per Veritas, was for him to download an evaluation version of Backup Exec 10 for servers, which he did. However Backup Exec does not seem to have the correct drivers, thus does not see the USB tape drive... even though it is on the supported HAL list on Veritas's site. I tried to download the driver file from Veritas, however this didn't help either. I guess if we could just get the permissions issue sorted, the client would be quite happy using NT Backup to restore...

Many thanks,

Level 6
Is your client using pasword protection on the backup jobs?

if so have him try no password protection

BTW, BackupExec does not support USB or Firewire tape drives, only ATAPI/SCSI

See the HCL at

Level 2
Many thanks for the reply Ken,

The password you are referring to, would that be the account that backup exec uses to log on?
I had a quick look through the backup jobs but can't see any reference to passwords being used... but then I'm no Veritas expert and may be looking in completely the wrong place!

Would you kindly point me in the right direction?


Level 6

You will need to catalog the media and verify if it asks for a password. It may allow you to continue with the catalog operation, however then the catalog will fail with the error asking you to insert password.

However pleazse note that USB tape drives are not supported hence functionality cannot be guaranteed.

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