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Restoring backup exec 12.5 tapes on 2012

Level 2
Hi everyone, I hope someone will be able to help. I have been trawling google and these forums for a solution but to no avail. Quite a simple issue really. We have BE12.5 and are looking to upgrade to 2012. I am testing it on our test servers prior to going live. I have installed 2012 with no issue, but I am not able to restore files created under 12.5. I can catalogue the tapes with no issues, I can see the files there and I can choose one and click start etc. the tape begins to whine as you would expect. The job starts running but never completes. I am trying to restore one small excel file as a test. They byte total never increases. There are no errors and there is no hidden box off screen or anything like that. I have used the same drive to backup some local files and they have restored fine using BE2012. I have also tried setting the "use fast file restore" reg entry to 0. To see if that would help but no go. There is an encryption key but that is definitely correct. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great. Bellows

Partner    VIP    Accredited



Have you gone into the Options section of BE and deselected the option to use on-tape catalogs (should be under the Media section)?

Or try stopping the BE services, renaming the Data/Catalogs folders to something else, and then restarting the BE services. This recreates those 2 folders and then try the restore again after running a Catalog job.


Level 2
Thanks for replying Craig, but I am going to want on tape catalogues as turning it off means it is going to take ages to find the file if i understand the process correctly (which I freely admit, I might not!). If I wanted to restore from a backup in a Dr scenario every minute will be important. Andy

Level 2
I have been sniffing around and have found that in my catalogs folder under the server name, there is a folder called incompatible and en under there unsupported. Within that folder there is a large FH file and another XML file with a time stamp of the time I did the catalog this morning. Clearly something is not happy. Andy

Level 2

Hi Craig,

I have tried both your suggestions.

I renamed the catalogs folder having stopped the services.

I also did a long catalog (non-tape) which took a long time so I was confident it not an on-tape catalog.

After this, I was not able to see the files on the catalog so was in a worse position than before.  I did have the full range and tried a couple of servers to look for data all to no avail.

Clearly there must be others that have had a similar issue when trying to restore data from previous versions.


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Best thing then to do is check the Known Issues section to see if this is listed!
