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SP4 takes an extra 1.5 hours to terminate

Level 4
I just loaded SP4 on my backup server running 10.0 Rev 5484 on Windows 2003 server. The backup worked successfully with no errors.
But I noticed that the Job Completion Status on the job log is 1.5 hours longer than pre-SP4.
Yet the last Verify Set Summary time is only a couple of minutes apart between pre-SP4 and post-SP4.

I am wondering if there is a problem. Why it is taking an extra 1.5 hours?

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document;

Reasons why the data throughput rate can be slower than the theoretical maximum when backing up to tape media

Thank You....

Level 4
The throughput is NOT the problem. It is at the end of the backup that Backup Exec does not respond to the Media Remove prompt.
Again, I reiterate....This only started happening when I upgrade Backup Exec from 10.0 Rev 5484. No other changes were done on the system in terms of hardware or software.

Level 2
We have exactly the same Problem. (Windows 2003 System, SDLT-Tape, EXEC 10.1 Rev 5629)
I'am interested to hear if there is a solution until now.
I tested on our Production System (Windows 2003 Sp1 Tape Drivers) and our
Testsystem (Veritas Drivers), no difference.
I tried several knowledge base Issues on this Problem (Automatic Media Remove Alerts), it exists since Version 7... and it was working fine in Version 8.6 with some Registry Entries.
It seems to me that the EXEC programmers just use a random memory location to pick up the Respone timeout ...

Level 4
Thank Werner. I thought I was the only one with this problem.
It was working with Backup Exec 10.0.5484. Then I upgraded to fix another problem and it caused this Response problem. (And it did not fix my original problem.)

I have done other updates of Backup Exec, drivers, firmware at the request of Symantec tech but it still does not resolve the Response issue. I agree that it must be a "bug" in their software.

Level 2
Hello Robert,
we installed the Service-Pack SP1 (be5629RSP1_282818.exe) and the
problem is solved.
Since, this is a moderated forum, i wonder that no one from symantec
told us. One can only guess that the Hotfix 14 fixed this particular problem.

Level 4
Hello Werner....
The SP1 update seems to be working. I have put it one of the servers and it has worked the last 3 backups. I am putting it on the other server for tonight's backup. I will keep you posted.


Level 4
Hello Werner..

SP1 definitely fixed the problem on both my servers.
