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Slow Transfer Rates on LTO4 - Backup Exec 12

Level 2
Hi there

Need some assistance badly.

3 weeks ago i installed a Quantum Superloader 8 slot LTO4 SCSI (HP tape drive in the superloader) unit at a client premises.
On testing the unit, we had numerous problems detecting the unit etc.Client was using Backup Exec 10d
His backup of 500GB took about 27 hours to backup. I tried everything possible to fix this with no joy.
I then thought it was the software version, server or controller card.

Yesterday, i decided to install the LTO4 SCSI unit on a different server, new controller card LSIU320, and installed the Symantec Backup Exec12 Quickstart Software.
Initialising was fine. Inventory took about 20 minutes but was successful as well.

I then decided to do a backup and only did 4,5GB in 33minutes. The transfer rate was 20MB/MIN.
I tried increasing buffer speeds etc, but no luck.

Please could someone reply with a fix to this problem


Level 6
Run a backup of that same 4.5GB of data to a Backup to disk folder to compare the transfer rates.  If the transfer rates are signifigantly higher I would suggest giving a call over to your hardware vendor to have them take a look at the drive.  Also, make sure you are testing with data that is local to the media server to rule out problems with the network, if any.

Backup Exec really has no control over how fast the data is written to the tape, so we have no settings we can change in BE to adjust the transfer rate.

check the NIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
once we had same problem after changing the NIC configuration it worked well....

Level 2
Hi rookie11

What would i need to change on the NIC?

Please advise


Level 2
Hi there

Forgot to make mention that when i did the backup, it was of the local server.

Level 6
I suggest what Ben already suggested... tryin that 4.5G to a local B2D target.  That will give you a clue if the problem is reading versus writing the data.  If the B2D is slow also, then the problem isn't the tape drive or SCSI bus.

Level 6
 Alternatively, more peope think that LTO3 or LTO4 are the solution to slow backups, and in turn because their source can't spit out data fast enough to meet the minimum sustained for these ultra fast tape technologies, their backups actually go slower!  

Other than that, I would look at SCSI termination issues as a culrit.  Also verify youtr speeds against NT Backup if possible.  If it's slow in both apps, you have a hardware issue in terms of configuration or driver mis-matches.