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Snapshot operation?

Not applicable
I just installed Backup Exec 10 on a Windows 2000 server and did the remote install of open file manager to two remote windows 2000 servers. The Veritas log is reporting the following message:

(Server: "FILESERVER") (Job: "Wednesday") The job completed successfully. However, the following conditions were encountered:

A snapshot operation required by this job was unsuccessful. Check the job log and the Windows Event Viewer for additional information.

When I looked at the job log, the detail of this error was reported as follows:

Backup- PLDEV-SV1 AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\PLDEV-SV1\Program Files". Advanced Open File Option used: VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008516): Resources specified for snapshot do not have any valid data on them. Check if files were deleted or renamed.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

The windows event viewer logged the same initialization failure message as above and the server PLDEV-SV1 is one of our remote servers with the remote agent installed and running. Has anyone seen this message before or have any information regarding what may be generating this?


Level 6

Please choose the option 'Veritas SnapShot Provide (VSP) in Backup Job Properties - Advanced Open File Option, if you have chosen any other option.

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
