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Snapshot provider error (0xE0008516)

Level 3
Running a backup at my site results in the "Snapshot provider error (0xE0008516)" error. Searched the forum and google but couldn't find a solution which fits in my situation.
The error occurs on one server, a Windows 2000 server which serves only as a fileserver. So no Exchange or SQL server running on this one, just files.
The error repeats itself for every share I'm trying to backup.
I've tried all of the different AOF options, but none of them gives a positive result.
I've also defined a different job, just to backup this particular server, still same errors.
AOFO is properly installed on this server, and VSP service is running.
Any suggestions on this?

Level 6

Since when this error is occuring ?
Are any changes made on Backup Exec server ?
Have you tried taking backup without using AOFO ?
If not then please try.

Awaiting results.


Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 3
This can be done; however it is not a situation I would like create. The great thing about the AOFO is that it can backup files which are open. So, especially on a fileserver, this is a needed option.
This also means that I have to create 2 different jobs...

Any other suggestions?

Sorry, forgot to reply to other questions:
- Problem occurs since installation of BE
- No changes made on the BE-server

Lets say I make a different job for the fileserver, how can I force the BE-server to append this backup-set to the same tape the other set is written to? (I use an 8slots tape library)Message was edited by:
Emile van den Ende

Level 3
Anyone?Message was edited by:
Emile van den Ende

Level 6

Is the Windows 2000 server the only server that you backup or are you also backing up any other remote servers in this job or any other databases? Do mention the complete error code. Also check for errors in the Windows event logs (application and system) for errors. Run the sgmon tool before the backup job using the following technote and paste the relevant part of the job here:

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3

The Windows 2000 server is not the only server we are backing up. Somewhat like 10 or 15 Windows 2000/2003 servers are backed up in this job.

The complete error code:
Backup- SERVERNAMEAOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\Servername\Share". Advanced Open File Option used: VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008516): Resources specified for snapshot do not have any valid data on them. Check if files were deleted or renamed.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

The files which were opened during the backup are the ones that are skipped (Exceptions window).

The eventlog on the W2K server does not show any error.


Level 6
When you created the backup job, in the selection list... the shared folders are all grey out, right??? you should only be able to check the local drive...
How come AOFO backing up \\servername\share?? it should backup the shared folder in the physical drive,right???

correct me if i'm wrong...

patrickMessage was edited by:
Patrick Kuah

Level 3
Thanks for answering!

This is an option I did not think of yet....the overview of selected shares is better than selecting the folders on the fysical drives. I will try right away.

The shared folders aren't greyed out.


Level 4

Does this error occur only while backing up shares?

Please create a separate job for this particular server and verify the results!

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
I had exactly the same issues above and posted my solution here: