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Storage device "DELL 2" reported an error on a request to write data to med

Level 3
I am receiving the following error on my Friday backups Only.

Storage device "DELL 2" reported an error on a request to write data to media.

Error reported:
The request could not be preformed because of an I/O device error.

My Friday backup is setup as 3 jobs.

A sql backup job
A file server back up job
A system data backup job

The sql backup job and file server job run fine.

But when the 3rd job runs (system data) I receive the I/O error. It been happening for several months now. I have searched through forms and made several changes but always the same results.

Now Monday - Thurs runs the 2 of the same jobs as the Friday with out any problem.

There can't be anything wrong with my drivers/device if my other jobs run fine can there?

Any suggestions?

Level 6

DO you see any erros in the event viewer? errors related to SCSI and device?


Level 3
Yes I do.

Event ID: 9

The device, \Device\Scsi\adpu160m2, did not respond within timeout period.

This is after it has completed 2 jobs and is working on the 3rd job.

Level 3

that might help you, but i assume you already found this though...

Level 3
Yes I have read that. But wouldn't I see a problem with every job I run. Only see it on this job.

I would assume if it was a hardware issue i would see it happening with all my jobs or even more random.

Level 6

To isolate the issueTry creating a backup to disk folder and target the jobs which fail to this Backup to disk folder and then verify the result.


Level 3

I ran the job that fails to disk and the job ran fine.

The other 2 jobs that run before this one ran to tape and also ran fine.

Could it be bad sectors at the end of the tape?