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Submitted jobs not running-hang in Ready status

Not applicable

I noticed we had not had any backups this week. Jobs did not even show up in History. So I submitted a daily incremental scheduled backup job to Run Now. The job however is in Ready status, and will not go to Running or Active.

I have also tried creating new jobs(backups and restores) and the same thing happens. Job gets submitted..but does not seem to want to start. Remains in Ready status.

I took a look at the hardware and the tape unit is online connected. Lasty, if I submit a test run job that does appear to be running.

Wondering if anyone has ever seen this problem before and if they could steer me in the right direction as to what the problem may be.

thanksMessage was edited by: Darren
Darren Bertini

Level 6
From the Devices Tab, is the drive started and ready?

From Windows Device Manager, is the device started with no overlay icon?

Level 6

Have you tried running backups to a backup to disk folder to isolate the issue?

Are there any alerts in the Alerts tab in backup Exec?
