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Success / Failure emails do not include logs..what kind of joke is this?

Level 2
If you use policies, you have to set up your email alerting via alert categories instead of specific jobs in order to have the job logs attached successfully.  Even though the checkbox is checked on the jobs, they won't be included if the job is in a policy.  The problem with the alert categories is that it is all or none - i.e. all of the people who want to be notified of a Job Success, with the log file, have to be included.  Which means they will be included on every job, even the ones they don't care about.
The text in the article is wonderful as well - "no plans to fix this in future release".  So we just live with every person getting every job notification, right?

Just terrible.

Message Edited by GrandmasterPhil on 03-13-2008 04:09 PM

Level 6
yeah -
have you posted this to the Enhancements area?

Level 2
I just beat my head on this problem for 6 hours straight and I think I found a reasonable workaround.  If you check the "Include job log with a notification..." checkbox in your selection lists and do not check any recipients it works as you would expect.   The recipients included in the policy will recieve the email notification and job log.