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Swapped tape drive - am I being a muppet?

Level 3
Now I've never really got that technical with BE - partly because it was usually pre-configured whenever we bought a server and we just created full system backup jobs - simple!

We'll our hard disk space has increased over time, and our backup jobs were requiring 2 x LTO-1 tapes to complete - so I in my infinite wisdom decided I could swap the exisiting LTO-1 tape drive with an LTO-2 tape drive from another server which wasn't backing up more than 40GB.

The server's both recgonised the new tape drives in device manager, and I have installed the correct drivers for both. However what I'm having trouble with is finding what I need to do in BE 10.0 to get them to work correctly.

Does anyone know where I could find some info on this - as I get a "Physical Volume Library Drive not found." error.

...any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

PS> I've just noticed that I'm unable to add the new device to the device pool - as it says "there are no other devices available to be added to this device pool at this time" - how do I get it to see the tape drive?!?

Level 3
Don't worry - I sorted it out myself in the end!

Level 6

Thank you for the update.
However we suggest you to install the latest Verita sdevice drivers:
Refer the following link:

As your issue is resolved we are closing this thread.