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Tandberg vs80 Autoloader & slow performance

Level 2
Hi everbody!

I just moved over to a new server, went from a Windows 2000 Member Server to Windows 2003 Domain Controller. The drive is connected to an Adaptec 29160, via external cable. It is the only device on the card. The server is a Dell and the hard drives are on a Perc 4e/Di Raid adapter. The old server was running BE 9.x. (don't recall if it was 9.0 or 9.1)

On the old server I was getting ~130MB/minute, now I'm getting ~47MB/Minute. I've made sure I'm using the latest drivers for the Adaptec, and tried both Veritas and Tandberg drivers.

I will be backing up two remote servers, across a 1Gb network. But currently I'm getting these speeds just backing up the local C: partition. I've disabled the antivirus auto-protect, defragged the drive, made sure the buffer was set to default. (Block and buffer size 64k, buffers 10, high water 0)

I went through support at Tandberg, and verified I have the latest firmware. They also had me run a diagnostic utility (DLTsage xTalk). The drive passed all of the tests. I have also tried a different external SCSI cable.

I have tried removing BE 10 and using 9.1, just in case there was something in 10 causing my problem, but it didn't help.

I've also read and tried everything applicable in:

Finally I stopped all BE services, and installed Tapeware. (I know, I know Boo!! Hiss!!) With a default install and no other changes I got 186MB/minute. This suggests, but doesn't completely decide that it's a setting in Backup Exec. I have no desire to use Tapeware at all, so I really want to get this running. I have ~300GB to back up over the weekend, and 47MB/minute isn't getting me there. I'm out of ideas, anyone have anything else to offer?

BTW, Tandberg told me that Seagate is now making the VS80, and they have changed the Init string for the drive. Could Backup Exec be using the new string, thus improperly detecting the drive?


Level 6
Hello John!

Have you gone through:

Have you observed any of the event ids 5,7,9,11,15 in your system evt log? If yes, there is a hardware issue!


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