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Tape/Media set query

Level 3


I have a Tape which is part of the Media Set called Keep Data Infinitely Do not allow Overwrite, and Infinite-Allow append

The job failed / cancelled (Media Information Alert) claiming overwrite protected, and Appendable until. Infinite- allow append

Any idea why it woudnt append, there is plenty of space left, and would expect it to carry on until full, then fail

I only have intermidiate BUE knowledge





Level 6

Is the job set to use that media set?

Was the failed job just starting? or attempting to span media afrter running for a while?

Hi, thanks for reply

The job is set to use the 2 days Media set which is the usual one . The Tape which failed belonged to the set mentioned in the post. All three job's for that use that LTO drive failed

The night before was succesfull, but tape belonged to the 2 day set, so worked as expected.

I assumed the infinite Append option would kick in, even though the Tape belonged to the other set, unless i have it wrong.

Anyway, i associated that tape with the 2 day set. I seem to remmeber it hapening on the last time it was used too


Level 6

@JJ-99 wrote:

I assumed the infinite Append option would kick in, even though the Tape belonged to the other set, unless i have it wrong.

Anyway, i associated that tape with the 2 day set. I seem to remmeber it hapening on the last time it was used too


If a tape already belongs to "Media Set A", you cannot have a backup job configured to use "Media Set B" append to that tape.  You could have a job OVERWRITE that tape, which would then make that tape a member of "Media Set B", but you lose (due to overwrite) anything already on the tape.

Generally, one should never associate tapes with media sets.  If you do that, the media set properties kick in immediately.  Generally, leave all your tapes in the "Scratch" media set and let BE pull tapes from the Scratch set into the media set for that job, as BE needs them.  BE can also pull tapes from another media set, if the tape's overwrite protection has expired.

You cannot have backups configured to use two different media sets on the same tape cartridge, as the protection rules would conflict.