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TestRun runs fine, but backup does not back anything up

Level 2
I am running 10d SP3 on Windows 2003 SP2.  When I create the backup job to backup about 83Gb, the test run returns a byte count of 87,864,283,729.  However, when I run the actual backup job, the byte count is only 4,492 and nothing is backed up.  I've tried different open file lock issues, backup to disk, different tapes, etc.

This server is not in a domain and it is backing up a local disk that it has full control of the files on.  The service account is running as the local administrator.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Level 2
I believe I solved my own problem by using this article:

I really don't know why anything on this server would be open.  There aren't any open files according to the Open Files management tool.

I'm just glad I can get a good backup now.