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Transportable snapshot & HP LHN P4500

Level 2

Hi Guys,
I havent looked at BE for along time and am trying to setup the below.
I have been told that BE 2010 will backup SQL and exchange as part of a transportable snapshot configuration.
So far i have installed the SQL agent, advanced disk based backup option on the media agent server, and configured the backup job to use snapshots.
The problem i am having is getting the SQL agent to backup the SQL databases from the snapshot being presented to the media agent server.
Has anyone configured this?
Any help would be appreciated.


Level 5
Employee Accredited
Are there any error messages during the backup job ? do you see any events in event viewer ?

Level 2

I do get a message which shows cannot use VSS provider. Which i am assuming is the LHN VSS as it is set to use hardware supplied VSS software in the advanced disk option.
I am more curious about how to set up the backup job to perform this.
Do i just select the drives, and SQL in the selections, and it would to this, or do i need to do more?
Any help with what options needs to be enabled would be great?

Level 2
I have found the issue. It was related to sql not having the transanction logs, databases, and system path all on the same drive. A little disappointing in having to have the DB and logs on the same drive to do this.