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Tricks to running concurrent jobs?

Level 2
I'm wanting to run two backup jobs at the same time but to different tape drives within our loader. When I have these options in place the second job will queue and wait for the first job to finish even though the second job is set to run on a different tape device. I've read that to avoid this I must select (All Devices) rather than a specific tape device. However, we also use some B2D folders which I do not want included as usable backup locations for the jobs in question.

How do I run these jobs concurrently?

OS is Server 2003 and BE version is 11d with all updates Installed.



Message Edited by BEX_Admin on 12-05-2007 04:35 PM

Level 6
I haven't been able to run concurrent jobs without taking a hit on performance.    I am interested in seeing what others have to say on this thread.

Level 2
I've found how to change device priority within the pool as to ensure that one of the 3 drives is used first, I'll see if this allows my jobs to run concurrently tonight - now that I have (All Devices) selected as the device.

I'll update with results.

Level 4
Under "Device and Media" on the backup destination, I just select "Physical Drives", rather than "All Devices" or "B2D files". This apportions my jobs across multiple drives concurrently.

Level 6
Do you have an LEO (Library expansion option) serial installed?

Level 2
nicktf - I don't have Physical Devices as an option

Ken - Yep

Symantec phoned last night just as I was leaving and talked me through disabling and removing all devices then restarting the services. We also downed the PVT and the DC. Nothing ran last night as everything was listed in use. So while we did manage to prove we can run jobs to tape concurrently, I'm now unable to run anything as the devices appear to always be in use. I've already disabled, deleted devices then restarted the services. The devices re-appear as in use still. Another bounce of the PVT and DC may be in order.

I'll keep you posted :)

Level 5
Device Pool might work because you don't have to include your disk devices.

Level 2

Numerous restarts of the backup exec services later and we appear to have it all sorted more or less. We've had a run of successful backups with the exception that on occasion jobs seem to queue for no reason, stopping and restarting the services alleviates this. I’ve changed device options to use (All Devices) so we’ll see if this makes any difference. The original problem appears to be resolved so this thread can be closed.