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Trouble installing BE11d on Win2K3 R2 SP1 Standard server

Level 3
I downloaded the trial edition of BE11d in order to upgrade an existing 10d installation and upon running the Browser.exe executable, I get nothing but a blank splash screen and have to manually end the task. I attempted to manually run \winnt\install\be\setup.exe , but received various blank BEINSTDLGS errors and other anomalies in the installation. Are there switches I can use along with the setup.exe to perform a successful manual installation, or is there anything else I can try? Thanks in advance.

Level 5
Employee Certified
Try running just the Environment Check program:


If that shows blank screen problems as well you probably have some deeper MSI or web browser issues. Using regmon or filemon from Microsoft may help narrow it down, especially if its a web browser issue. Do other MSI based program installations work?

Level 3
It runs ok up until the results screen, where I get a blank VxValidatorDlgs error box.

I guess I haven't tried any installations lately on this server, msi or not, so I'm not positive. However, I do notice that the old 10d installation has the same problem now.

Level 5
Employee Certified
I'm afraid it does sound pretty definitive that you have a sick machine. At this point you will have to decide whether to put it out of its misery (fdisk/format/re-install) or try to resuscitate it (OS troubleshooting/repair).

Level 3
Using Process Monitor, I couldn't find anything definitive going on in there in terms of errors, though I was surprised that it seemed like the browser.exe process was accessing practically all of the temporary internet files on the machine, as well as the cookies index.dat and history files (showed as the same PID for all browser.exe entries).

For giggles, I tried copying the install files to their Exchange server and running the install - I ran into the same problem there. On the original server, I had added the machine name, private IP, and loopback IP into trusted sites in IE security zones, but on the Exchange box I decided to go a bit further. I added the trusted sites on that server appropriately, and then switched Windows Browser Applications from Disable to Enable on all zones. When I tried to run the installer again, I got the message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

I've switched directories, recopied the whole thing into a new directory, granted domain\everyone full control to the directory, and undid my IE setting changes above, and still get the same error over there. I can create and edit other files in the directory just fine.

One thing that's interesting to note is I went to on the Exchange server, and it prompted that a pending patch install required a reboot. Came to find out it was IE7, or at least IE7 was part of the last update done through our managed services software. After the reboot, I still got the error trying to run browser.exe above, but I will reboot the main server tonight and see if the pending IE7 install is part of the problem.

Level 3
One other interesting note is that Backup Exec 10d has now ceased to function (apparently yesterday). When the console is opened, a blank Symantec Backup Exec error box pops up, and when OK is clicked, it freezes and doesn't clear the window.

The services are still running, and I've restarted them manually. The job still tried to run last night - the event log showed it was looking for a tape to overwrite, and failed out.

Level 5
Employee Certified
Understood, I will wait to hear if the IE7 completion 'task' was the holdup. The would make sense based on prior experiences with broken or half completed IE installs affecting our installation & general UI.

Level 6
We've seen similar problems with other products failing to install in bizarre ways, resolved by reinstalling Windows Install Service.
MS documentation on this can be found here:

Level 3
I rebooted the server last night, and the IE7 install finished up. After that, the install seems to run fine (other than a licensing issue that I'll have to take up with Customer Care). Thanks for the assistance.