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UNIX Backup Agent Skips Directories!

Not applicable
I installed the backup agent on Linux and worked fine for a few months. Just realized that the agent skips all directories in an export entry. It work just fine in another export. I put the agent in debug mode and saw that it went through the directory structure and skipped all the directories because it can't get the inode or free space. Here is an example:

25467:Object(/usr2/cvs) dev=0x802 mode=0x0
25467:hdir->path is '/usr2' dta.achName is 'cvs'
25467:SkipObject(cvs): attrFile=0x10
25467:ustat(): stat=0 f_tfree=0 f_tinode=0 f_fname=
25467:SkipObject: ubuf.f_tinode==0

The directory certainly exists and has files inside of it.

I'm stumped as to what is causing this. Here's some specs:

Backup Exec -- Unix Agent, Version 5.01 Revision 5.046
Linux 2.6.7


Level 6

Please verify whether the version is compatible in the SCL.

This might be caused if the files are open during backup job. Presently Unix Agent does not support backup of open files.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Not applicable
Hi Ron
I have a similar problem and I'd like to know if you got yours solved ?

Just installed the linux agent and I can happily backup the linux
system based on ext2, but thats not what I want.
I want the data partitions based on xfs.
Well, I would give up, 'cause I use backup exec 9.0 with a SUSE 9.3
AND I KNOW this is NOT on the compability list - alas -
but there is ONE subdirectory on the xfs patition that can be
seen and backuped and it is definitly absolut similar to the others
on this partition. nearly same files included, same rights given.
nobody's working on the other subdirs.

so when there is one - why can't there be the others, too ???

intrested in some logfile ?

./ Using configuration file: agent.cfg
14494:Config File Workstation Name=XXX
14494:Mangled Workstation Name=XXX
14494:force_address: Verifying IP
./ Forcing IP address:
14494:exporting / as alles
14494:advertising to buxxxxx
14494:interval between advertisements is 30
14494:Excluding directory /dev
14494:Excluding directory /proc
14494:max concurrent sessions is 4
14494:Set_Config_Params: grfs_object_buffer_size=31744
./ Agent configuration OK.
./ Workstation Name: "XXX"
14494: Opening TLI device /dev/tcp
14494: Initializing Advertisement Sending Process
14494: gethostbyname returned 0x40137158
14494: address of buxxxxx is 14494: inet_ntoa issues
14494: len and maxlen are 16
14494: NRL: IP Address of host (buxxxxx)14494: is (
14494: NRLInitialize returning 0
14494: Add Resource function called
14494: resource local tlifd is ** 6 **
14494: t_alloc_v returning 0x8063530
14494: t_alloc_v returning 0x8063560
14494: Attempting to bind a specific
14494: resource_ptr->
14494: binding port 8192
14494: bind returned 0
14494: errno=0
14494: calling listen with qlen=10
14494: AddRes bind returned 0
./ Backup Exec Agent ready to service requests.
14494: waiting for select of 7
14495: NRLAdvertisementSender - main-loop resource 2044XXX
14495: tli open 14495: rc=8 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: t_alloc_v returning 0x80635a8
14495: Advertiser attempting specific bind using force_address directive
14495: binding port 8192
14495: bind returned -1
14495: errno=98
14495: binding port 8193
14495: bind returned 0
14495: errno=0
14495: NRLAdvertisementSender: bind returned 0
14495: tli bind 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: t_alloc_v( T_CALL, T_OPT ) not supported
14495: t_alloc_v( T_CALL, T_UDATA ) not supported
14495: t_alloc_v returning 0x80635d8
14495: NRLAdvertismentSender:
14495: NRLAdvertisementSender: 'merged'
14495: advertisement size is 58
14495: rcvr
14495: attempting to connect. state=0
14495: tli connect 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: Max TLI send is 0xFFFF
14495: tli snd 14495: rc=64 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: tli sndrel 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: dummy t_rcv_v not necessary
14495: tli rcvdis 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: tli free 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: tli free bind 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: tli unbind 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: tli close 14495: rc=0 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: loop reading adv_rate_pipe
14495: read returned -1
14495: errno=11
14495: loop reading adv_rate_pipe returned 2
14495: NRLAdvertisementSender - main-loop resource 2044XXX
14495: tli open 14495: rc=8 14495: tlifd=8 14495:
14495: t_alloc_v returning 0x80635a8
14495: Advertiser attempting specific bind using force_address directive
14495: binding port 8193
14495: bind returned -1
14495: errno=98
14495: binding port 8194
14495: bind returned 0
14495: errno=0
14495: NRLAdvertisementSender: bind returned 0

Unix Agent, Version 5.01 Revision 5.046

I'd be happy for any suggestion
thanks for reading to the end

*** don't forget to have fun ***